Peer mentoring Program

Ash Hooyberg’s family and friends are fundraising to support the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre’s Peer Mentorship Pilot Program as a way of honouring Ash and his journey navigating type 1 diabetes (T1D) mellitus from when he was diagnosed at 20, until his sudden death.

T1D is a chronic condition for life which is relentless. The slightest management misstep can have dire consequences.

The burden is even heavier for teens and young adults who face hormonal changes, body image concerns, lifestyle shifts alongside the need to make hundreds of decisions everyday to manage their condition.

Our aim is to raise as much money as possible to fund and support a “Peer Mentoring Pilot program” for young people with type 1 diabetes in Perth and the South-West, supported be the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre.

Trained mentors with lived experience will offer personalised guidance, emotional support, and practical wisdom to empower young individuals in navigating the complexities of self-management, fostering resilience, and building a foundation for a future marked by success and well-being.

Every young person living with type 1 diabetes will hear the message that it is possible to life a rich life full of joy in spite of their condition, with the right supports, the right networks and the right guide on the journey.

Splash for Ash is our first fundraiser. A group of Ash’s close family and friends swimming the 3.6k Kms Busselton Jetty Swim on 11th February 2024, and raising money to support the Pilot Peer Mentoring Program.