Splash for Ash

Raising money to kick-start a Peer Mentoring Pilot program for young people with type 1 diabetes living in Perth and the South-West.

About Splash for Ash

Ashley Hooyberg’s family and friends are honouring his journey in managing type 1 diabetes (T1D) by raising funds to support the set-up of the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre’s “Peer Mentorship Pilot Program”, for young adults with T1D in Perth and the Southwest.

Ash was diagnosed at age 20, until his sudden death at 29.

T1D is a chronic uncurable condition which requires stringent self-management. The slightest misstep can have dire consequences.

The burden is even greater for teens and young adults who face hormonal changes, body image concerns, lifestyle changes as well as the need to make crucial calculations to manage their condition.

Trained mentors with lived experience of the condition will offer personal guidance, emotional support, and practical advice to help young individuals navigate the complexities of self-management, foster resilience, and build a foundation for a better future.

Splash for Ash is our first fundraiser.

Members of Ash’s family and close friends will be participating in the 3.6 Km Busselton Jetty Swim on 11th February 2024 to raise funds for the Peer Mentoring Program.

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It's as simple as:

  1. Adding the member number: C10313108 as your preferred payment method

  2. Letting your refund point know during your next return.

Our mission

We're raising money to kick-start a Peer Mentoring Pilot program for young people with type 1 diabetess living in Perth and the South-West.

With support from the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre - we hope to:


Connect trained mentors with lived experience who can provide personalised guidance, emotional support, and practical wisdom to young individuals with type 1 diabetes.


Empower young individuals with type 1 diabetes in navigating the complexities, fostering resilience, and building a foundation for a future marked by success and well-being. 


Provide support, networks and guidance - so that every young person living with type 1 diabetes will hear the message that it is possible to live a rich life full of joy despite their condition.

Busselton Jetty Swim

The first splash

To raise funds - Ash's family and friends have set themselves a challenge.

On 11 February 2024 they will swim 3.6 km in open water around the Busselton Jetty.

Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre

Vision: A confident, connected type 1 diabetes community in Western Australia


Type 1 diabetes is one of the most complex self-managed conditions, requiring over 180 extra health related decisions per day. No one asks for type 1, but left unchecked, type 1 can lead to devastating consequences for individuals and their families.

In 2015 the Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre was established to meet this challenge. Since opening, The Family Centre has supported countless Western Australians with type 1 diabetes to live the life they choose.

Learn more about the Family Centre

Supporting the centre

The Family Centre receives no government funding and the generosity of Western Australian businesses is vital to the Family Centre achieving its powerful vision: to reach and serve every person impacted by type 1 diabetes in Western Australia.

The need for better support for the type 1 community is compelling, and business fundraising has a real impact on real families

Support the Family Centre

Get in touch

Visit: 11 Limosa Close, Stirling WA 6021

Call: 08 9446 6446

Fax: 08 9463 1446

Email: hello@type1familycentre.org.au

Web: type1familycentre.org.au

Make a donation

All proceeds go to Type 1 Diabetes Family Centre.